Our proprietary BJA Blueprint Process helps you discover new and innovative ways to attract and retain the best employees, grow your business and achieve your goals.

The BJA Blueprint Process is a step-by-step process divided into two phases. Phase One includes a one-on-one discovery and assessment. We will meet with you to review your current program, understand your pain points and learn about your vision for the future.

Next we develop a well-defined strategy that accounts for your vision that is both actionable and measurable so you can simply keep your progress in check. We call that your Blueprint. Your Blueprint will take full advantage of our Partners Toolbox, a suite of tools and capabilities to help you implement your plan.

Even the very best ideas and strategies would fail without execution. In Phase Two of our Process, we will ensure that your unique benefit blueprint is communicated, understood and kept on track. Using your blueprint as a guide will allow your company to realize measurable return on your benefit program investment, as well as continuously assess your progress.

The BJA Blueprint Process

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1. Discovery 2. Assessment 3. Blueprint 4. Implementation 5. Support 6. Strategic Review

Phase 1

Discovery, Assessment, Blueprint

Phase 2

Implementation, Support, Strategic Review

Step 1: Discovery

Our process is about breaking the old, tired, traditional insurance mold through innovative techniques and strategies that give your company a boost. Our benefit advisors will take you through this multi-phase approach to create a customized Blueprint and service plan consistent with your organization’s objectives.

Step 2: Assessment

Our firm analyzes all related census and benefits plan information data. Conducts relevant benefits diagnostic services: compliance check-ups, claims/loss reviews, cost forecasting, and competitive benchmarking, as appropriate.

Step 3: Blueprint

Using what we learn, we then create a Blueprint which provides a three-year strategic plan with the actions and time lines required to achieve your goals. We will present to you along with our toolbox in a manner that is applicable to your needs and goals.

Step 4: Implementation

Initiate project management steps to ensure smooth communication and enrollment experience.

Step 5: Support

Manage ongoing service and support for all programs along with transition assistance for both employer and employees.

Step 6: Strategic Review

Deliver regular stewardship reporting updates and off cycle research surveys to assess program impact.

See how our Blue Print process can work for you.

Engagement in our process enables you to elevate:

  • The prosperity of your business.
  • The efficiency and value of every minute you spend on “insurance negotiations.”
  • The productivity and engagement of your workforce.

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