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Talking to Children About Returning to School During the Pandemic

While children may not understand the full scope of the COVID-19 pandemic, they do know that the world is different. In many cases, they left school in March or April to continue learning virtually—and many finished their school years from home. As schools welcome students back, children who are going back to school in-person may … Continued

Updating Your Employee Handbook

Handbook policies are increasingly being used by employers to respond to critical events in 2020. BJA Partners recommends ThinkHR in regards to updating your employee handbook. The Value of Policies Policies have always been important to employers. They spell out what’s expected of employees, enable employees to reference key information, and also protect organizations from … Continued

Preparing for an Unprecedented Open Enrollment Period

Open enrollment following the COVID-19 pandemic will be unlike any other in recent memory. Many organizations are still trying to recover from extended closures and maintain safe working environments—open enrollment is the last thing on their minds. Yet, procrastinating on enrollment planning can actually cause more issues than it solves. This article explains what employers … Continued

Easy-to-Use Tax Withholding Calculator | California Benefits

Employers, have you reminded your employees to check that they are having the right amount of tax withheld from their paychecks? It’s a good idea for everyone to check their payroll withholding every year, but it is particularly important this year due to the big changes Congress made to the federal tax rules for 2018. … Continued

Wearable Technology | California Benefit Brokers

Don’t lie–we ALL love gadgets. From the obscure (but hilariously reviewed on Amazon) Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer to the latest iteration of the Apple empire. Gadgets and technology can make our lives easier, make processes faster, and even help us get healthier. Businesses are now using the popularity of wearable technology to encourage employee wellness … Continued

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